Monday, November 30, 2009

Hello Everybody! I'm back!

Hi everyone! I'm back. After suffering from tennis elbow in both arms since October 15th which has prevented me from typing and still limits every aspect of my daily living, I'm well enough to type for a few minutes at a time now. The nerve damage causes severe pain and spasms but I'm thankful that it is a little better thanks to the shots and pain meds I've been receiving. Then I caught swine flu and was away from work, school, and the outside world from October 31st through November 9th. So you can see I'm a little behind and I do apologize. I have been to the first two museums on my tentative schedule and I must say the Whitney museum was impressive. It featured one of my favorite abstract artists-Georgia O'Keefe. I will be posting pictures, comments, and my first paper this week. I'm really excited about writing my first paper. I hope you enjoy my postings.


  1. Welcome back to the fold, Cheryl... do take care of yourself and I do look forward to reading your work.....

  2. When it rains it pours! I hope you are feeling better and that your recovery is swift!

  3. Thanks Professor and Amanda for the well wishes.
